
Create a Professional Website in minutes!

SiteBuilder from Host Solutions is the quickest and most convenient way to create a web site. Included free with our Premium Shared Hosting plans, SiteBuilder features over 170 professional templates to choose from, so getting started is fast and simple.

Professional Templates

Whether you’re an artist, a small business owner or a healthy lifestyle lover, there’s a fully customisable template for you.

Mobile Friendly

You have full control over how your site looks on desktops, tablets and phones. Responsive design for every device.

Sell Online

Add PayPal buttons or use our custom HTML widget to embed a more complex shopping cart.


Create a beautiful website in minutes. Drag, drop, type, click, save – your web site can be built in minutes. No coding needed.

Maps, Videos and More

Take your site even further with drag and drop widgets. Add maps, forms, videos, audio, Twitter and Facebook widgets.

Free Image Library

Templates come packed with ready-to-use images, but you can also add your own or search hundreds of free to use images!

Online Help

Help is available right from within the SiteBuilder or use our Client Portal to raise a support ticket if you get stuck.

No Extra Cost

SiteBuilder is totally FREE with all our Premium Shared Hosting plans – there no extra cost and no hidden fees.